Multicultural English

Multicultural English

martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Simple Machines

The world around us is made up of many things, both natural and manufactured. Among the man-made objects we can find many machines that make our lives easier. These machines are divided into two types, simple machines and complex machines. Simple machines have few or no moving parts. Complex machines are machines made up of many simple machines put together.

In class, the students worked together in small groups to build their own examples of simple machines or found examples of existing ones in their everyday lives. Below we have different types of simple machines and photos of the ones the students made.

Inclined Plane

An inclined plane helps us to move objects up or down different levels easier than with stairs or lifting. We use inclined planes for moving packages or to help people in wheelchairs enter buildings.

A Pulley

A pulley is used to lift and lower heavy objects. By using a rope or other object around a fixed point, we pull the rope tied to the load and it requires less energy or force to lift the heavy object.

A Screw

Screws are probably the most common simple machine we can find in everday life. Screws hold things together or help to lift objects. They come in many sizes and forms and can be found just about everywhere. They have a shaft and an inclined surface that secures onto the object they attach to.

A Wedge

A wedge can be used for cutting objects, like an axe is used to cut wood. However, they can also be used to simply keep things open like a doorstop does when you place it at the bottom of the door.

A Wheel and Axle

This simple machine has helped us very much in our modern lives. The wheel and axle together helps move objects from one place to another. It makes it much easier to move heavier loads because we can simply move it on wheels instead of lifting or pushing. Thanks to the wheel and axle it is now even easier for us to move because it led to the invention of modes of transport such as the car.

A Lever

A lever is used for lifting ojects more easily than if we had to lift it with our hands. A rigid bar is placed over a fulcrum and with the load on one end, we apply energy to the other to lift it. With the lever it requires less energy to lift than without.